Saturday, January 30, 2016

Gettin' Practical

We finished out our team retreat Wednesday morning. It didn't end up being very restful for me since I was still spending a lot of time with people (gotta take advantage of this extra opportunity to hang out with the trainers!) and we still had classes. But it was still a wonderful few days! It was great getting to spend time with our trainers. We played some really fun games! One afternoon, a couple of us went on a hike in the neighborhood and surrounding streets. Even though the trees were bare, I still found it pretty in spots.

Also got challenged to eat a worm...which I did. Eating it wasn't bad, but the aftertaste was pretty bad. Big surprise... =)

(PC: Karen Beck)

I really enjoyed the lectures that we had this week. My most favorite lectures are the more practical ones and this week we covered the topics of recognizing and handling stress, making sure that we are getting proper soul care, and also how to teach (among other things). Some of the ideas for how to care for ourselves personally were ones that I had already been thinking about before Engage 5, but hadn't been able to find a good way to implement them yet. But after hearing these talks and seeing examples from my life of how I need it, I'm starting to take them a lot more seriously and am enjoying the challenge of thinking through this stuff. 

The ministry things that I had planned on doing this week fell through for various reasons so it ended up being kinda quiet after we got back from the retreat. It's encouraging to know that I don't have to change anyone's life during this really short time. Takes a lot of pressure off. =) But still hoping that next week I'll be able to do more.

About a week and a half more! Pretty crazy to see how fast it's flying by. Learning a lot still (sometimes it feels like too much!) and looking forward to the remaining classes and ministry times.


  1. Love your blogaries! Thank you so much for keeping us up-to-date. So glad you got a bit of a break and that things were a bit slower, before your big "finish up". :D It will be interesting to hear more detail of what you've learned, especially the personal care topics, when you get home. Love you so much, Em. ~Mom

  2. Emily, I've been praying for you! Thank you for the blogs. It sounds like the Lord is really blessing and stretching you! =) (Worms - yuck!!)

    Emily, remember it is the HOLY SPIRIT that changes people's hearts and lives. Your job is to love them as Christ and bring them gospel. Don't put so much pressure on yourself. The Lord knows your heart and will bless people through you. As he uses you in the lives of others he'll also be sanctifying you unto himself.

    We first born children (!) are compelled to do it right, understand it all, and get all A's. =) Rest in you Savior as he is growing you in grace. It's really hard to rest, I know!

    Keeping you in prayer . . .

    Your sister in Christ,
    Cindy LoGiudice

    1. Thank you so much! God is definitely working. =) Thank you for the encouragement! God's been teaching me a lot about that these 5 weeks. It's encouraging to see how much my perspective has changed on that since I began. =)Thank you for praying!!

  3. (I don't have my own Google account so I'm using my hubby's!)

  4. If you get a chance you might enjoy this blog! I know it was challenging to me.

  5. I still can't believe you ate a worm . . .
